Avv. Livia Tamburro

Livia Tamburro

Born in Rome in 1988.

Graduated with honors in Law at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” in 2012.

Enrolled in the Register of Practicing Lawyers of Rome since 2012.

In the period from 2013 to 2015, she attended, in Paris, an in-depth internship on the French judicial system at the studio of Me. Lucien Felli, as well as the course in “Droit des Affaires” at the “Centre Victor Hugo”, obtaining the relevant diploma.

In 2017 she obtains the Máster Universitario en el Ejercicio de la Abogacía at the Spanish University Internacional de La Rioja and in 2018 the Grado en Derecho at the Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia.

She takes the bar exam at the Court of Appeal of Rome.

Enrolled in the Bar Association of Rome as of October 2018.

Since 2019 she is “Expert in the Labor Law subject”, at the Department of Management and Law of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.

She communicates correctly in English, French and Spanish.

She is author of the following publications

  1. “The fraudulent simulation of the worker’s state of illness: to what extent must the employer’s withdrawal be considered legitimate?”

(Court of Latina, Sez. Lav., January 11, 2019, est. Avarello), for the legal journal “Lavoro e Previdenza Oggi”, nos. 3 and 4, year 2019;

  1. “It is protectable with the special procedure of repression of anti-union conduct, referred to in art. 28 of Law no. 300/1970, the employer’s behavior consisting in the recognition of the prerogatives proper to the RSA, with the relevant permits, to a trade union signatory not signatory of the company’s collective agreement, notwithstanding the signing, by the same, of a management agreement applied to certain operating sectors of the company.”

(Court of Civitavecchia of 30/9/2018, Decree ex art. 28, L. n. 300/1970), for the legal journal “Lavoro e Previdenza Oggi”, nn. 5 and 6, year 2019;

  1. “Gender discrimination and the facilitated evidentiary regime ex art. 40 D. Lgs n. 198/2006”

(Court of Taranto, Decree of 28/5/2019 ex art. 38 D. Lgs. vo n. 198/2006), for the legal journal “Lavoro e Previdenza Oggi”, nn. 11/12;

  1. “Honorary judges and tabular allocation. “Quid iuris” of the judgments made in labor matters? The admissibility requirements of the appeal in labor cases after the 2012 reform”

(Court of Appeal of Rome, Sez. Lav., of 7/6/2019, no. 2482 of 2019), for the legal journal “Lavoro e Previdenza Oggi”, nn. 9/10;

  1. “Dismissal of the Trade Union Representative for discrimination. The seesaw of guidelines on the inclusion of the concept of retaliation in the types of discrimination continues.”

(Court of Appeal of Florence, Sez. Lav., October 22, 2019, no. 754/2019, est. Maria Lorena Papait) for the legal journal “Lavoro e Previdenza Oggi”, nn. 9/10;

  1. “The activity of the permanent collaborator, registered in the list of publicists, who performs journalistic activities exclusively, through a continuous collaboration: it is subordinate and falls within the concept of “Journalistic Profession”

(Supreme Court of Cassation, United Civil Sections, of 5/11/2019, of 20/01/2020, est. Adriana Davanzo, no. 1867/2020 for the legal journal “Lavoro e Previdenza Oggi”, nn. 5/6.

  1. “Trade union information and consultation rights”


(in “Trade Union Law”, G. Perone and M.C. Cataudella (edited by), Maggioli Editore, 2022, Pages 240-267).


  1. “Collective regulatory agreements and collective management agreements”


(in “Trade Union Law”, G. Perone and M.C. Cataudella (edited by), Maggioli Editore, 2022, Pages 350-353).